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T0p D0g Reloaded

Monday, August 21, 2006

Profiles can be deceiving, mine is dry and airtight

1. orangestripes 21.Aug. - 00:58:40
you seem so dry and airtight..

2. monsoux 21.Aug. - 20:17:11
maybe I am, you wanted a confirmation?

I don't know, I have never claimed I was perfect.

But when I don't have something nice to say to total strangers, at least
I don't say it.

3. orangestripes 21.Aug. - 22:20:35
I acted on impulse, reading your lines gave me a feeling of suffocation

4. monsoux 21.Aug. - 23:11:25

so now an impulse goes instead of an apology?

thin, if you ask me

5. orangestripes 21.Aug. - 23:14:38

6. monsoux 21.Aug. - 23:15:32
maybe ok, then :)

7. orangestripes 21.Aug. - 23:17:00
what was I supposed to say, sorry for acting on impulse? I'm not good at

8. monsoux 21.Aug. - 23:18:32
I can see that, but as I said, that is OK

9. orangestripes 21.Aug. - 23:19:25

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Anonymous said...

wow, I've been blogged
start throwing stones any minute now

Anonymous said...

Uncanny. I've just blogged a conversation with him as well. The boy has potential.

Anonymous said...

Orengastripes (danut) is very, very cute and smart as well. Such a shame he is in Cluj...

Anonymous said...

pentru bubu, care, cu atata gratie, ne-a imbatranit prematur, nu cred ca danut il astepata pe k sa ii arate bucurestiul