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T0p D0g Reloaded

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The state of happyness is no democracy!

I am currently happy, allergic and overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of me. I got my camera back from the repair shop, at NO COST! Yeah, I am living in Romania, but this was a nice surprise from Flamingo, the authorized service for Sony. One thumb up. So first thing I did was a series of self portraits I won't post here. But I will post you a riddle. So, riddle me this!

Taking into account yesterday's deep depression I am willing to consider bipolarity. In fact, it's little things that make for great effects sometimes. And more wisdom, from Simon, here: Self portrait is the art for lack of a better model.

Oh, wait! you thought I was done? No! The difference between having and not having is what one does with what one has. Ey? ;)

And music wise I invite you to dig Feist: My Moon My Man, Sea Lion Woman, Past in Present, 1 2 3 4, and Brandy Alexander!


Unknown said...

it's your freakin' keychain-blue-light-thingy that I hate :))

monsoux said...

you don't hate it, you adorable little creature, you! You couldn't hate, could you?...

And, no, it's not it :)

Musculin said...

Bipolarity again?

I knew you were bisexual!!!

No wonder you're depressed: so many choices, so little time...

monsoux said...

yeah, sure! I am gay, but who am I trying to convince?

For bipolarity, click here (look up ultrarapid cycling)

For bisexuality, click here

Thank you for calling.

Musculin said...

In denial, too!

So typical...

Unknown said...

OMG, it so damn hard to belive that I am just this adorable little creature? :))

monsoux said...

no, it's not, you are! Adorable and a pinch of bitchy, which is a huge compliment.