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T0p D0g Reloaded

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Every now and then, a cat

Maybe I have been reading too much about cats, maybe it's the late night vodka. However I am still to be referred as a dog person. Or a an equal opportunity animal lover. OK, no spiders and no snakes, thank you.


monsoux said...

Oh, please note its weight in fish to the bottom right...

Anonymous said...

şi la posturile mele despre pully de ce nu ai dat link? i'm deeply hurt!

monsoux said...

'cause I have not read them recently, you silly!

runbaby said...

cats rulz :P

monsoux said...

that might be true, but I still hate claws. Lately I have found a cat that thinks he is dog and rushes to bite. How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

This is wine red not votka ;)

monsoux said...

:) whenever I run out of red wine, there is some vodka stash

Anonymous said...

Aw cutah. She looks like my Shakzorz when she was a litel pussycat.