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T0p D0g Reloaded

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I shall resign to the fact I cannot possibly accomplish all things. We are not even talking about the general "all things", not even "all things on a deadline", but, as you might have expected, "all things on a deadline for me". Warning: energy level approaching an all time low.


Anonymous said...

eu te citesc de multa vreme. ma intreb asa, in barba..tu esti ok? vrei sa bem o cafea candva? eu fac oamenii sa rada si nu e nevoie sa ma pictez pe chip ca un clown..

monsoux said...

multumesc ca ma citesti si multumesc pentru oferta. Cred ca sunt foarte OK. Daca vorbesc mai mult decat ceilalti oameni despre problemele mele, nu inseamna ca am mai multe probleme decat ei.

monsoux said...

the little mermaid has been reading me for a while now, and is currently wondering if I am OK. There is also a coffee invitation embedded.

My answer is thank you, both for reading me and for your offer. I think I am very OK, the fact that I talk more about my problems then my peers do doesn't necessarily mean I have more problems then them.

Unknown said...

It is fine to go down on energy sometimes, maybe it's wrong connection but it is however an interesting connection for me: why, it's the end of the year! Of course your energy goes down, it's all connected with.. the universe and stuff, you know.. stuff. You will be better after you party a lot on the Christmas and New Years.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you talk about your problems more than I do:)) I think you need someone to have a laugh with:) You know me, but you don't really know me . But I'll make sure we'll have a coffe/tea soon. You'll see, I can make people happy >:D<
(bad english! bad mermaid!!)

monsoux said...

oki (you have already made me smile, that's a good start)

Anonymous said...

Why you keep on searching for something you left behind ? :-?

Oh, and thanks for the money. How did you know i was in need ? :D

Anonymous said...

hey, did someone say COFFEE? :D
i join! we'll make a happy (say: HAPPY!) threesome. :)
actually, coffee is one me. feeling kinda friendless so i thought: why not grab someone i don't really know but been following here & then, and turn into a friend?
it doesn't take a magic wand, just a warm and browny liquid. :)

monsoux said...

maybe this Turkish coffee I brought from Istanbul, for my readers.

@kyoto, everybody needs that, I am not a visionary, it's common sense.