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T0p D0g Reloaded

Friday, October 22, 2004

Happily barred

Mixed feelings make a good testing post, don't they? Posted by Hello


Why would it be in any way beneficial to remember all the thoughts I had? Like, for instance, the thoughts I had in the car passing next to the leopard commercial next to the bus stop. I was thinking that some things are truly mine and nobody can take them away from me. Like the sun warmed day with its mushroom like smell (yes, I am a poet), like your touch, like my undeniable moments of happiness. I am so upset with you. How more contradictory can existence be? When we will have surpassed our momentary discontent, our moments of hate and happiness will still be.


I have accidentally peed on my foot this morning. I feel like I peed against the wind, although I was thoroughly indoors.

Stories I will tell someday: the graduate actor rushing six hours to his graduating class by ambulance, driving his way back, no license to make it time for rehearsals for a contract. And again, the following day.

The accountant who brought dates to his boss' leather couch and was cough pants down by the security officer with a conscience. Posted by Hello


I started to have dreams again. That for me means an increased anxiety. In the first instance, when I decided to write about it, I did not remember the dream I had last night, I just remember it was a beautiful dream. So I was traveling. Had to go to London for overnight. So I manage to pack and to go. Next thing I know I am on this strange beach, mountains of sands gong abruptly into the sea. It is early morning and I can see two rows of ridges covered in sand and green trees and milky fog. The beach is highly populated. It starts to snow and cry. People are bedazzled and they start worshiping the little channels going down to the sea. It looks like a gigantic cheek washed by tears. I sink my both hands into this and it feels warm and comforting.