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T0p D0g Reloaded

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Women and men are different, because men will most likely intimidate first and then seduce, while women are more likely to intimidate once they have seduced. Dully noted today.


monsoux said...

Since you aasked, according to, I am 67% feminine. That means I am 33% masculine. When we compare my results with other men it shows that I am somewhat more feminine than average. My test results indicate that I am Highly Feminine. People who are highly feminine tend to be very relationship or people oriented, but may not be extremely results focused.

Women who are highly feminine typically encounter strong social approval, but in some settings highly feminine women may have difficulty commanding authority or being taken seriously. Highly feminine women tend to invest their sense of self in their various relationship roles (e.g., daughter, friend, wife, mother, co-worker). If one of these roles is causing significant stress or difficulty, feminine women can usually draw support from other established relationships and roles to maintain a positive sense of self.

Men who are highly feminine often have very strong interpersonal skills, but may encounter some social disapproval for not exhibiting enough traditionally masculine qualities. Feminine typed men also often benefit from having a variety of relationship roles in their lives just as very feminine women do, and can usually maintain a positive sense of self in the face of life difficulties or challenges.

Musculin said...

Bubu may have a point there. Unfortunately, I don't know you well enough to accuse you of having schizoid tendencies.

I just thought you turned bisexual and you were only making a comparison between the two species.

monsoux said...

it's mere conversations on the phone that can amount to that kind of reasoning: the snow ball effect.