Slept like shit, semi-nightmare included, or rather a production, have you ever seen the 60s musicals with a lot of extras? Coffee, no milk, super large apple and orange fresh, late start, under the skin painful spot right under the skin on my forehead.
Every staging on love speaks to me. Saw the first act of Bal/Ball at Teatrul de Operta Ion Dacian and Sado Maso Blues Bar at Teatrul Mic. Maybe a new label "me at the theater"?
It's Monday, let's hit the road to the empty office. How odd.
was it more like the rocky horror picture show or more like my fair lady?
more like one of Michael Jackson's clips in the 80s
ia uite, Cotidianul:
<„Bal“ este un spectacol multidisciplinar si intercultural>
perla asta sigur e scoasa de razvan
OMG, take down the fckng icon, it's so teeninternetroomish. not to mention DATED. bleah
Pichi, spring doesn't do you well.
not in the sense you think, anyway
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