Doing 160, kilometers, not miles, on hour, and chewing gum, and being your adorable two left hands that I am... I dropped the gum out of my mouth, accidentally. Rewind. And I was wearing my fav outfit, I am a brand carcass, I know... The horrors, the awe. Then I couldn't find the debris. Could not find it, could not feel it, could not spot it. Not even when we stopped the car and turned on the lights. Minutes later as I was having drinks with my friends and sharing the miracle slash chewing gum Bermuda Triangle my car is, and we were laughing about it... the chewing gum so to speak resurfaced. Stuck between my wristbands and the cuffs of my long sleeved shirt.
Now the shirt is in the freezer awaiting removal of chewing gum traces.
instead of a later edit: I had to use a porous rock and an eraser to remove the chewing gum.
gosh, that's rough! last time chewing-gum got stuck on me was when I slept with it in my mouth and overnight it messed in my hair. i was lucky it was just a small piece so I removed it fairly easy, the rest being attached to the pillow. I thank God it didn't get stuck in my throat, though. :)
I see... it was a ... close one! :) if you catch my drift :))
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