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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Relevant coffee

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I have just had coffee. Actually, I have had a cappuccino. It made me realize I have always been a sexual person. I have always had sex, even if I was not making love. I have always had sex, even when I was in love. With different persons. And sex is for me probably one addiction I am not willing to quit. I have had a coffee with someone. A coffee, not sex. The sparkle in his eyes, "from the beer", he said, my realization, the short way back, the cold outside, the sour throat, the sequence of tenses, this post. Universe's conspiracy. It is all Somebody's smile at me. I can only catch a glimpse at Somebody's corner of the mouth.


Diana said...

i surely wish we had a coffee one sweet day. because there will be 0 sex involved. :)

monsoux said...

warning: I only do one coffee a day. When I wake up. In the privacy of my own home. But being a Gemini, I find it easy to make exceptions once in a sweet day. Coffee-wise.